This Sunday's Bible Readings

Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany

Isaiah 40:21-31 Psalm 147:1-11, 20c 1 Corinthians 9:16-23 Mark 1:29-39

Thursday, November 5, 2009

God's People and H1N1

I almost hate to talk about church, community and communion in the same breath as concerns about germs and health care, but we seem to be driven to it by this year's H1N1 flu. It seems sacrilegious to do or say anything that implies that we would short-change our worship of God or our service to the community or our fellowship with one another out of fear or self-concern. Part of the deep and intentional premise of Christianity is following the model of Jesus into great risk, even unto death, to do the will of God, to go where others fear to tread. However, there is good reason to ensure our health and safety this year while still being sure that we aren't responding in a fear-filled way. Therefore, we will be implementing the following changes beginning this Sunday through the end of flu season:

(1) Communion grape juice will be received in the communion cups. We will still have communion stations that you will walk to where you will have bread broken and given to you. You will then pick up a grape juice cup and either eat and drink right there or move to the chancel rail. There will be a basket to drop your cup in next to the serving stations.

(2) Passing the peace will still be announced, but we would ask you to not leave your seats and attempt to greet lots of people. Please simply turn to those seated near you and speak words of welcome or peace. Please do not attempt to shake hands because even though you may not be concerned about that contact, the other person might be.

(3) Greeters will still be stationed at the doors and will still greet people. They can still shake hands if they are comfortable doing so, but they also can choose to not shake hands if they are concerned. The concern would not simply be for themselves, it would be for the next person and the next person with whom they would come in contact. It would likely be most comfortable if we keep in mind that shaking hands might be a cause of concern for many people during this particular flu season and try to avoid it for the sake of others.

(4) Greeting the pastor(s) at the end of service follows the same as above. I will be happy to shake your hand. If you want to shake my hand, please keep in mind that others have probably already done so and I can't guarantee that I won't be carrying germs. I will not be offended if you greet me and walk past with your hands unextended. I will try to remember to not instinctively reach out to take the hands of people walking past.

(5) We will have Purrell or other hand sanitizing products liberally place around the fellowship table and the chapel and the narthex. Please use these liberally and know that we all hope to get through this flu season with as little illness as possible.

(6) The Lord is mightiest of all and cares deeply about all of God's people. Let us remember to pray for our own health and the health of our community, large and small. And let us lean on the promise of God that God is with us always.

In addition, please keep check with your local news for any Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) closings due to illness. We will follow the MCPS guidelines for closing the church during the week and for worship services on Sundays, if something were to arise! Please call the church office if you have any questions, 301-946-2500. Thank you!


Pastor Alice

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